Sunday, September 13, 2009

One Year

We celebrated the first anniverary of our forever family day a week ago. It is so amazing to reflect on the journey that this past year has been for all of us. A year ago a little girl was delivered to our hotel room door (kind of like a pizza delivery). She was scared. We were happy, but scared, too. Even though we had anticipated that moment for years, it felt surreal. A little, tiny girl in a big jacket, a couple of strange people, a pile of money. Everyone left within a matter of minutes and Andy and I looked at each other feeling amazed that we were now responsible for this little person.

We have reflected in new ways on God's sovereignty. He saw her unformed body in her mother's womb. He brought her into this world. He saw her when she was left that day on the steps of the hospital. He was with her when she went to the police station and then to the orphanage and then to foster care. He saw her when she went back to the orphanage and to another foster care home. And finally, on that day, September 8, 2008, he saw her as she was placed in our arms. And He is sovereignly in control of every day of our lives together. We have understood the wonder of our own Spiritual adoption more clearly. Not every day has been easy, but God has been faithful to us.

We decided to celebrate on Labor Day. We went to see the hot air balloons and to a potluck breakfast at church. Later in the day we went to Andy's parents for some crab legs. We put her gotcha day outfit on her again to see how much she had grown. She thought it was fun because she loves to play dress up. The shoes wouldn't even fit on her feet! We gave her a book wrapped in lady bug paper. We decided this will be our tradition. Each year we will give her an age-appropriate adoption themed book for Gotcha-Day.

We are so thankful for this year that we have shared. We are looking forward to seeing what God has in mind for this little miracle.

It was bit bright! We watched the balloons from
the top of Palmer Park.

Cousins and our kids watching the hot air balloons

Moriah modeling her gotcha day year later.
Note the tiny shoes and short pants. Still plenty of growing room in the jacket, though.

A special book to celebrate the day.

One year ago...first breakfast with us.
In our arms at last! One year ago.


Cristy said...

Congratulations on your one year as a family!!!

To answer your question, we were told by Shriners staff last year before her veptr2 implant surgery to keep her away from public places from Jan to March when she had surgery. At first it wasn't a total quarantine, we just avoided public places, but the last month she was home and we put a mask and gloves on her if she had to go out for any reason( like pre-op stuff).

This time for her expansion surgery, they just sent us a letter stating that even a cold could cancel her surgery if it is in the 2 weeks prior to surgery. With the novel h1n1 prevalent in our area, as well as bronchitis and strep, we are implementing the "last month" rule they gave us as a pre-caution this time as well.

With Shriners, it is hard to get on the surgery schedule as it is, and if they cancel it could be December or Jan before she was re-scheduled, so that is another motivating factor.

Hope that helps a bit!

Football and Fried Rice said...

My, Moriah sure has grown!!! Can you believe how God works!?

I remember hearing your story about Moriah being delivered to your room and I started feeling a little nervous - but sure that wouldn't be they way it "worked" for us (;

Sure 'nuff - Mya came straight to our hotel room! 5 minute exchange and we were ALL fearful! None of quite knew the right things to do!

God is so big & so faithful. He knows exactly what we need.

he knew exactly what Moriah needed when he orchestrated you to be her forever family!

He is good!!